This question goes out to many of the professionals that make up our audience. It’s becoming a pressing issue for anyone who runs a maid service, window cleaning business, or any business that uses chemicals on the job. For many business owners, it’s a tough question.
More Customers are demanding “green” cleaning agents (an already unclear term), but you probably know all too well that doesn’t mean they’re willing to accept a tradeoff in quality or price.
Expanding your inventory and services can be difficult. However, there are several reasons you should take this trend seriously, and maneuver your business to take advantage of it.
It No Longer Looks Like a “Trend”
“Going green” is still what many people would call a trend, but it only seems to be taken more seriously every year. Before long you can expect it to become culture. People and governments alike are working hard to make sure that this issue doesn’t leave our public consciousness.
Early adoption is critical in situations like these. By this point, it might even be too late to be considered an early adopter. However, it’s never too late to do to make the right decision.
It Matters to Consumers—For More than One Reason
What your customers want should always be the foundation of your decisions. A lot of customers are requesting green cleaning agents because they have environmental concerns, but you should consider that they have more reasons.
Many people who demand green cleaning agents do so because they are concerned about their children making contact with it. For them, using green chemicals is more about alleviating their fears of it being eaten than concern about the environment.
There are also consumers who care about green cleaning agents because they have skin conditions that can be aggravated by aggressive cleaners. It’s always good to be accommodating to these issues.
It Can Protect You in the Future
Cleaning chemicals have always been tightly regulated, and the trend does not seem to be that they are getting looser. Many businesses have been forced to make expensive changes because their previous chemicals were no longer permitted. You are at a much lower risk for that when you use green cleaning agents.